On our trip to Varkala beach, we could observe some typical road scenes. No matter which vehicle, it will be used to its limits. We learned that there are approx. 25 different kinds of bananas available in India. As a snack, we solely eat the small ones. We love them so much that we just […]
Today, after a night at Smitha’s and Manoj’s place, we went to Alappuzha beach. From there we started our houseboat trip into the backwaters. During the ride, we enjoy a fantastic landscape, lovely food and a great time together. Celia was the first to realize that this trip is some kind of a group honeymoon; […]
We had a pleasant flight and arrived safe and sound in Kochi. India is love at first sight! We are so happy to see Renu and Maju again. The warm hospitality of Smitha, Manoj and their lovely kids Charles and Felix is overwhelming!
India, we are coming :)
After a short night, we finally wait for boarding at Vienna International Airport. We are looking forward to meeting Celia in Frankfurt!
Tomato love
Two single tomatoes decided to live together. We decided to eat them – with salt and lots of olive oil :)
Hei everybody!
Right now I am trying to get my website back on track. I was quite disappointed when Apple was quitting their MobileMe-Service. It was so easy to have an own site – even when it is still lots of work to write regularly. In the next days, I will try to move one blog entry after […]
Donkey Kissing
…wenn man in Tschechien bei einem Kartenspiel verliert, ist der Wetteinsatz beispielsweise… „Der Verlierer küsst den Esel“ :)
Kurzer Ausflug zum Hafrsfjord
Ein spontaner Ausflug einiger Red Box-Bewohner zum – nur etwa einen Kilometer entfernten – Hafrsfjord. Es ist erstaunlich, dass es hier am Abend öfters noch sehr schön und sonnig wird!
Czech Water Party in der Red Box
Alles begann sehr harmlos… man wird ins Erdgeschoss eingeladen, man redet, man stößt auf das neue Abenteuer an, man trinkt etwas „tschechisches Wasser“, etwas mehr, noch ein bisschen,… es werden lustige Fotos gemacht und die Nacht wird immer kürzer. Der Start in den nächsten Tag war nicht ganz so leicht ;) Aber der Abend war echt super !!! =)
Stadtrundgang Stavanger
Die ersten drei Bilder stammen noch vom Campus. Wir haben vier Schafe und einen Esel direkt hinterm Haus – jeder ist begeistert :)